
Keeping a Journal Makes You Study Better

Posted by Pat Delorean

keeping a journal

When you’re spending so much time writing papers for your classes, keeping a journal may seem like one more chore. However, a journal can actually declutter your mind and help you focus on your schoolwork. Here are some reasons why keeping a journal can actually help you study better.

Keep track of dreams and creative inspirations

Think your mind shuts down while you sleep? Think again. Busy brains keep on working throughout the night, whether you’re aware of it or not. If you remember your dreams, they may often seem nonsensical, but they may also contain kernels of truth and wisdom. Scribbling down something that comes to you in a dream may turn out to be helpful to you during your waking life. Furthermore, you can record any “Aha” moments that you have spontaneously, either first thing in the morning or throughout the day. You just might solve that equation or decide what to do for your next project!

Write down a plan for the day to stay organized

Even though you’re probably already using an electronic or paper calendar (or should be), a journal is a useful supplemental organizing tool. Whereas a calendar is a space to make note of set appointments, you can use a journal to jot down ideas, questions, and so forth. When you wake up in the morning, take a few minutes to write down whatever pops into your mind so you won’t forget anything important.

Pour out your negative feelings to reduce stress

If you’re not a bit stressed in college, you’re doing it wrong. Balancing classes, study time, exercise, socialization, and possibly a job is a lot to do. And often you have to find ways to manage your stress. Most schools offer counseling and psychological services to help you through dark times, and trusted friends are always good to have. However, sometimes, what you need is a good journal to take the load off and keep your concerns confidential. Take a few minutes each day to write about things that bother you or worry you. You will eventually notice that your load is lighter and that you’re able to solve your problems more effectively.

Make notes to free up short-term memory

The fast-paced, complex society in which we live pretty much makes memorizing your to-do list a no-can-do. Trying to juggle a shopping list, daily agenda, and myriad other things in your head is nearly impossible. Use your journal to write down anything that comes to mind. If you like, keep different sections, such as:

  • To buy
  • To do
  • To call
  • To see
  • To research: vocabulary words,
  • Random ideas: paper topics, quotations, recipes,

Alternatively, you can simply keep a daily journal and transfer the items to the appropriate spot: your phone, computer, class notebook, or calendar.

Clear your head for better sleep

On a busy day, you may not have a moment to think for yourself until your head hits the pillow. Ruminating about what happened earlier and what you need to do tomorrow can contribute to insomnia. By taking a few minutes to jot notes in a journal before bed, you can drift off more easily. You may also find a journal helpful for those times when you wake up in the middle of the night. By writing down any distracting thoughts or bright ideas, you’ll get back to sleep more easily.

You can find plenty of study tips available online (in fact, we offer some great tips of our own). Many of these tips revolve around scheduling, memorization techniques, and other traditional tactics. Surprisingly, some seemingly non-academic strategies can actually enhance the time when you are studying. Try keeping a simple journal, and see if it makes a difference in your school performance.

image credit: http://www.clickinmoms.com/