If you’re anything like the typical student, you don’t always know how to concentrate on studying. With so many distractions all around us – even within the very device that we use for studying – it’s a wonder any studying gets done at all. Sometimes the textbook will be almost impenetrably dull, and you’ll find yourself reading something and notice that you haven’t really been taking anything in. Don’t worry, that happens to everyone. But the fact of the matter is, studying, as a student, is essential, no matter how difficult you find it.
Well, everyone has a different style of learning they prefer, and there is no one solution to your problems. You’ll just have to use trial and error to see what fits you best, what works and what doesn’t. With that said, here is some advice on how to improve your concentration and be less distracted when studying.
Everyone has different triggers. Some might sit still while their phone is ringing off the hook, fully concentrated on reading, while others will have to refresh Facebook every thirty seconds to make sure they’re not missing anything. Sit down to do your reading like you would do normally and find the top distractions that stopped you from doing it. Make a list.
When you’ve made the list, work on removing all of the distractions from your study process. If it was social networking websites, use software to block them on your computer for a limited time. If it’s your phone, leave it in the other room. If it’s your TV, chuck it out of the window… just kidding. Try going to a quiet place that doesn’t have distractions. Even if that means locking yourself in the bathroom.
A quiet environment is the usual advice, but if you find that you do your best, most concentrated reading on the subway, then that’s where you should go. Café might actually be the best choice, if you can spare the money. You can’t get up and walk around the room without looking like a crazy person, so you’re forced to sit and do the work. The library is good, too, but it clearly doesn’t work for everyone – just take a quick peek into your local library and see if you can spot how many students have their study materials out, but are clearly not studying.
This is the classic concentration study tip. Using the pomodoro technique means working in bursts of 25 or 50 minutes with 5 and 10 minute breaks, respectively. After completing 5 ‘pomodoros’ (25 minute bursts of work) take a longer break. If you’re studying at the computer, try to actually stand up and move around for a bit. Go to the bathroom, get some water, whatever. Just don’t instantly navigate to YouTube, because you’ll be lost in a three-hour long conspiracy video vortex, just like everyone.
Before sitting down to study, know when you’re going to stop. Just write down what you want to accomplish during this study session, but remember to be realistic with your goals – you’re not going to read 400 pages of text and bang out the five essays you have backed up in one sitting. Being realistic with your goals for the day will get you used to making a list – and what’s more important – finishing it. It will let you track your work more easily, not to mention the fact that getting into the habit of finishing a list of tasks will make it all the more satisfying when you actually do finish it.
Just know that not all this advice will be applicable to you (some people hate using the pomodoro technique), so pick and choose what you think will suit you best and work things out on your own. Remember, your study habits will become automatic the more you do them. So pick yourself up, stop slacking off and resolve, right here and now, that you will only stop studying when you’re done studying. Not when you’re getting bored, not when you want to go out with your friends, when you’re done.