We guarantee total confidentiality to our clients. That means all information that you share with us is kept private and never disclosed to third parties. Your professors and other students can not find out that you have used our services.
Your paper will be written by one of our professional writers. Each writer is expert in certain field of study to match your subject and specific requirements. All writers are experienced in academic writing and have high level of language proficiency.
We understand that communication is very important in solving issues. So you can easily contact the writer who works on your paper to provide information or monitor your order performance. All you have to do is just to login to your account and choose the person you want to contact with. You may also contact our Customer Support Representatives any time with any inquiries.
We do our best to provide high quality service and meet your expectations. As soon as the order is delivered you can check it and decide whether to approve it or ask for revision. Our writers are ready to provide any necessary changes on your request. We provide 3 revisions for free to make sure you are completely satisfied with the final version. Money-back policy guarantees that you will get a refund if you are not satisfied with the order delivered or if there are any violations from our side.
The papers are checked for plagiarism and are guaranteed to be original. No pre-written works or templates are used in the process of writing. We use a trusted plagiarism detection checker to ensure this.
Every paper is checked using the WebCheck service to make sure every work we deliver is completely plagiarism-free and of excellent quality. This online tool is safe as it doesn’t share papers with any third parties. We do not use Turnitin as it stores papers automatically in its database and doesn’t guarantee proper plagiarism detection.
Deadlines are no less important for us than paper quality, so we do our best to deliver orders before assigned deadlines. If your order is not delivered in time, please contact Customer Support Representatives immediately. We will find the reason of missed deadline and provide you with further instructions. To avoid missed deadlines make sure you order an essay in advance and give enough time for our writers to finish the work properly.
Urgent writing is not a problem. If you have an essay emergency, Pro Essay Writer is here to help. We can deliver essay as fast as in 3 hours. However, we highly recommend to give us as much time as possible to choose the best writer for your order and to complete your essay on time.